Trick or Treat: Our DIY Family Halloween Costumes (Hint: It Involves Ms. Frizzle and a School Bus!)

Saturday, November 4, 2017

This is such a late post. Face palm.

I know, I know we're in November and probably over hearing about Halloween costumes but bear with me! I am still super excited about this year's DIY costumes and life has been nothing short of crazy. CRAZY, I tell you! We can talk about the crazy later but, for now, let's talk about costumes (said with jazz hands -  lots of jazz hands)!

Last year we were super awful and waited until the last minute to create Hugo's Halloween costume but this year, I was ready! We started talking about our costumes almost immediately after last Halloween and decided to do The Magic School Bus. Talk about being prepared! At the time, Hugo wasn't into the show, and didn't even know what The Magic School Bus was, but I thought it would make for a great family costume theme because there are so many characters to choose from. Over the summer Netflix released a Magic School Bus reboot and now Hugo rather enjoys the lo busss (toddler for, 'yellow bus'). The timing, let me tell you, was on point. New show? Hugo loves the yellow bus? Somehow, I managed to spot a trend - in advance! Whoop, whoop! Any how, we chose to dress up as Ms. Frizzle, Arnold, and Liz the Lizard. Plus, I made a Magic School Bus treat bag for Hugo to carry. SO. CUTE. 

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